Monday, March 13, 2017


In this chapter, I will discuss the difficulties I encountered during the course of the lesson about Measures of Position.

Sorting the Ungrouped Data
The ungrouped data are rather basic however, handling these kinds of data requires proper organization because the value of the quantile would be void if the data is not sorted first. Sorting the data in ascending order is challenging especially when done manually and the size of the data is large. The number of data must not also change. When handling ungrouped data, one must be organized to avoid mistakes and repetition of sorting.

Different Formulas for the Ungrouped Data
There are different ways to obtain the quantile of the ungrouped data. The answer of each method may even vary from each other. It is hard to know what method is used to reach the same answer. In real life situation, the formula taught in the 10th Grade Mathemathics textbook "Next Century Mathematics" involved 4 cases. It says that there are different formulas used according to the total number of data. In the learning module, it only involved one formula regardless of the total number of data. This confuses learners on what to use especially when it uses two different kinds of method.

One Missed Step = Repeat from Scratch
 In answering problems of both grouped and ungrouped data, one must remember all required steps to reach the answer. When one forgets to do a step such as sorting, how to identify the quantile class, etc., this could mean the repetition of the solution and the progress you thought you made would be void. One important reminder in getting the quantiles is to be organized at all times to avoid forgetting steps.

There are more challenges and difficulties in the lesson Measures of Position, however, these are more related to statistics in general which involves a greater array of challenges. In my experience, however, the above stated challenges are the highly observed. Though it is tough, it is not hard to answer these kinds of problems. Just follow the steps!

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